Saturday, March 15, 2014

Starting IVF

We had a really good consultation with Dr. Peterson about IFV and what to expect, and the drug to take. We were a little unprepared for how much those medication were going to cost us. It turned out to be about $2000.
The first step is I have to take birth control pills for a few weeks to calm everything down. After that you start lupron. Lupron causes my natural production of hormones to shut down temporarily. Then we can recreate the hormones in my system with lots of injections. Lupron is just a little injection (compared to the others). I did that for 14 days before I started the others. I used Gonal F again, and Repronex. Repronex is for stimulating follicle development and egg maturation, it also has something to do with pituitary suppression.
The normal procedure is to do these 3 three injection (stimulants) for 11 days. You go in for daily ultrasounds on day 8 of stimulants.
Our appointments are usually bright and early, around 6 or 7 in the morning. So on a Monday morning, day 8, we went in and were pleasantly surprised that we were ready to go. No more injections, and egg retrieval would be the coming Wednesday. The doctor took a blood sample to make sure my eggs were mature, and sent me on my way.

The only thing I like and dislike at the same time is that at the U you deal with more than just your own doctor. I have seen 3 other doctors through out the years at the U and Dr. Peterson is by far my favorite. But he has actually never done any of my insemination's. And he would not be doing the egg retrieval or the implant. Don't get me wrong, all the other doctors are really nice. But Dr. Peterson I just prefer over all the others.

So time to get ready for the extraction...

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